Magical World of Coupons (part 1)

"I would NEVER use a coupon,  what good does 50 cents off a 6 dollar bottle of shampoo do me any how?" I cannot tell you how many people I have helped with their budget who have fed me some sort of line like this before.  Shortly followed up with "I don't have the time... Continue Reading →

Money Matters Monday: Buying in bulk & Meal prep (part 1) ~

This is a very simple way to save some money, as you can buy ingredients in bulk and they keep in dry storage for quite a while. Especially if stored properly. I like to transfer sugar, flour,noodles, rice etc to air tight containers,and/or glass jars, as they take up significantly less room (which may not... Continue Reading →

A queen’s apology..

I know that an apology no matter how earnest will help, Yet here I kneel before you, begging at your feet. Beseeching you find it in your heart to forgive me. For a grave sin I' ve commited. You may not know it yet... I've broken my word. An honest woman's integrity tarnished. And I... Continue Reading →

Shadow’s Truth

In the light, Exposed lies everything, Shattered faith, Torn dreams, Nightmares play to her fright. Screaming, she can't look away, For the shadows plight. Her saving grace, A private place, Where stars sigh falsities Waterfalls bluff, Comfort in a dream's falsetto. The bravado of darkness, For she cannot see, The truths in the shadows of... Continue Reading →

Breakfast in Denver

An update for those who care. Our travels took us to Ghetto ass Des Moines On our way out of Iowa, Foxxy begged me to take this photo.. Now a Few hours Later we made it Omaha Nebraska... A good 9ish hours later We finally made It to DENVER Colorado, where we are currently suffering... Continue Reading →


Wow, I now Have 100 official followers. I know there are more who don't follow me but read as well. I WANT TO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU FOR BEING LOYAL. Now that I have 100 of you I want to do something extra special for all of you... But it will have to... Continue Reading →

On The Road Again

I am leaving the home I made for myself in Minneapolis, for a short while. If any of y'all read about yesterday's debacles rest assured everything is ok today, So far. Now you may notice my travel buddy has changed, I lost Qian Po(panda) and Minja when my purse was stolen upon arrival to Minneapolis, For... Continue Reading →

It’s an FML day…

TODAY, I was supposed to be on a bus back to idaho, for an extended visit. But absolutely everything that could go wrong. Has. First, I woke up late (ok so this was my bad) but I still had a good four hours before I had to be at the bus station. Then, my suitcase... Continue Reading →

Human Interaction!

Hey guys! Thank you all for reading, liking, commenting, following my blog. hopefully I can remain active now that things have settled down a fair amount. I need your help. Many of you know I take a song, and turn it into a story. Song2story Saturdays are really fun, but I can never pick a song... So... Continue Reading →

Frozen Lemonade (5)~*18+*~

Our favorite ladies are back finally.. It was about 3 am when we returned home. I called for Zara, but she didn't answer.. Was she asleep? "Zarrrraaa doll, I'm home! Zara?" I opened her door, she wasn't in her room. So I checked mine, as I have often found her sleeping in my bed. If... Continue Reading →

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